Washi Tape Easter Eggs... make em.

 Simple, quick, very creative and mess free.... you know i might be the genius of Children's Craft ideas (maybe)
SOOOoooooo i had these eggs in the cupboard for about 2 years.
We were going to decorate them with glue and tissue paper - ala decoupage style.
BUT then i realised::::::
 The Washi Gods sent us this tape for a few good reasons:
They stick well.
They have a pretty translucence
They are easy to rip
They are not all sticky and gluey, like... well, like glue is.
 We seem to have built up quite a stash of mixed Washi Tape.
And my 8yr old has various difficulties in fine motor neuron skills and attention span.
I find the tape is really useful for kids who are like the Tasmanian Devil at a craft table as well as those pretty little children who sit sweetly for hours and craft (a rare species indeed)
 Do i neeeeed to tutorial this?? ok:
1. stick a kebab skewer in the egg - quite far up inside!
2. Tape all over the egg in any random pattern.
3. push down any edge of tape really firm and smooth to give a good finish.
4. we stuck glue to the egg and tied ribbons on the bottom for a pretty effect.
5. we also stuck a few Spring stickers on.
6. My girl whacked a bow on too that i glued AND popped a pin in to keep it there.
 Little children can carry them round.
Big mommies can pop them into a plant for full Easter prettiness.
Yeah, i know, i am on maximum MUM POINTS this week.
Wait til i show you the home-made Hot Cross Buns and biscuits.
Relax and let them get messy x x x 
Happy BUNS n EGGS!!!
